MMMC Scholarships & Bursary
16th December 2019
21st December 2019

Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC) is offering scholarships & bursary to eligible Malaysian students who wish to study Foundation in Science, Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) & Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) in MMMC campus.
Foundation Programme
- Full Scholarship:
A’s in the core subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics) and meeting the minimum grades in other entry requirement subjects - Half Scholarship:
6A’s in any subject and meeting the minimum grades in other entry requirement subjects
Undergraduate Programme
- Academic excellence equivalent to minimum A-Level grades of 3A / CGPA 3.6 from STPM, Matriculation / other recognised qualifications, whereby the CGPA is calculated from required subjects under entry requirements.
- Meets all entry criteria for admissions, including at SPM.
- Holds an Offer of Study for MBBS or BDS from MMMC.
- Provisional offer-holders will be accepted, and Scholarship will only be awarded upon conversion of the offer to an Unconditional Offer.
- For Melaka-Manipal Hardship Bursary: Combined parents income of RM 36,000 & below per annum and must be supported by the required financial documents indicated in Application Form.
- Separate scholarship application which includes 1 essay and 1 external reference letter (Academic and character).
- Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend a Scholarship interview, conducted by panel to be determined by MMMC, chaired by MMMC’s Chief Executive.
- Awards would be determined based on the total scores from the Scholarship interview, with the best scores receiving the highest awards and so forth.
- Foundation scholarship is automatically awarded based on final academic entry results.
- FiS (Mar 2020): 28th February 2020
- MBBS (Apr 2020): 28th February 2020
- FiS (Aug 2020): 7th August 2020
- BDS (Sep 2020): 7th August 2020
- MBBS (Oct 2020): 7th August 2020
Please contact the Marketing & Student Enrolment Department at
E: [email protected]
T: 1700-811-662
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